Thursday, April 24, 2008


Ever wonder why is it that the demand for oil has gone down, but the price keeps increasing, meanwhile hard working stiffs get laid off from their jobs for shitty reasons, that defy logic?
If it wasnt for this damn war, we would'nt be up shit's creek. But alas the powers that be will screw us and continue to screw the public, by giving reason to a war, for the sake of money folks!
Money is and always will be the dominating force behind all that is sucks, don't it?
Well too bad for us, because we pay for all this through our taxes, and we will continue to get our wallets raped for what little money we have. Look at what's going on in Haiti... food price goes up, people take to the streets and incite riots that would destroy anyones country. If we keep it up, we will be just like those 3rd world countries...

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